October 24 – November 3
The Haw River Water Walk is an Indigenous-led, 300-mile ceremonial walk from the headwaters of the Haw River, along the Cape Fear and down to the Atlantic Ocean.
Crystal Cavalier-Keck, the honorable Ojibwe Elder Sharon Day and Great Grandmother Mary Lyons will guide small teams of walkers in the tradition of the Nibi Walks.
The Nibi Walks tradition is: “Every step is taken in prayer and gratitude for water, our life-giving force. We walk for the water, and as we heal the water we heal all of life. We are not a protest. We are a prayer for the water.”
The Walk is intended to create deeper connection, understanding, and commitment to protecting this precious and threatened waterbody.
To participate, you can:
*Walk, 1 to 11 days in small groups, relay style OR
* Drive to help shuttle walkers
Fill out this Haw River Water Walk Form to sign up.
Go to hawriverwaterwalk.com and hawriverwaterwalk.com/faqs for more information, or email hawriverwaterwalk@gmail.com.